Things some charter boat operators never ever tell you!

Things you might want to check before making any boat trip bookings!”

Some carter boats might be very slow,

It might take the boat a very long time to get to and back from islands – and that reduces the amount of time you get to spend there, it also means you just might be being bumped around on the waves for a much longer time as well.
Not much fun really if a “Four Hour Trip” to an island actually means “one hour getting there and one hour getting back – being two hours of slowly going up and down rolling over the waves” leaving you just two hours to explore and have some fun while you are there.

Some charter boats might not have full shade available.

Thailand is famous for sunshine and while sand beaches.
While some sunshine and “vitamin D” is good for all of us we also know for sure for sure that too much sunshine can mean also too much UV impact and “bad sunburn” can ruin your day or even your whole holiday, check out the photos of any boat you want to a book trip on ! Do they have good shade over all seating areas?

Some charter boats might not have the correct or current legal licences and insurances.

for Operating a tourist business, for Boat operations, for Crew Qualifications or for insurance purposes.
The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) issues licences to legitimate Tour operators and has a system in place that requires charter boat operators to register all guests on each trip.
If you book a tour with a legitimate tour operator you will be INSURED within the Thai government approved scheme.
All Legitimate tour operators will have a valid “TAT” licence, the number of which you should see on display on their web site and at their office premises.
If you go on any trip with a tour operator who is not TAT registered it probably means that you are not insured!
All Charter boat skippers have to be qualified and certified, all charter boats have to pass registration and safety inspections.
If you go on any trip on any boat that is not certified as being safe and seaworthy and is under the command of Captain who does not have a valid licence, then you are probably not insured.

Short version, if you are OK to take risks by going “down to the sea” on a slow boat that is maybe not in good condition, does not have great shade, maybe is not legally supposed to be operating, under the command of a captain and crew that are perhaps not licenced then you might well have a good time and even save some money – but if the gods of the sea and the sun determine your lack of respect makes it worth teaching you a lesson – well then you can really only blame yourself for being in that situation !